Jul 28, 2021
Listen to this really cool conversation I have with transformation coach Petia Kolibova. We talk about how to stop playing small in life and why we tend to make things harder than they have to be. Success and happiness come from deciding to stop trying to fit the mold that others put on us. True joy comes from being who...
Jul 20, 2021
I get real in this episode. Truth be told, "The Joy Seeker" hasn't been feeling very joyful over the past few days, and that's ok. Life is a combination of both good and bad days; the trick to living a joyful life is to find strategies that prevent us from dwelling on the bad ones for too long so we can get back...
Jul 14, 2021
In this episode America’s Leadership Advisor Jeannie Moravits Smith shares specific tips to plan for joy. We talk about how to convert catabolic energy into anabolic energy, how to handle painful life experiences, why you should make yourself a “breakfast face” every once in a while, and why it’s important to...